The Avery Shaw Experiment
by Kelly Oram
Kelly's The Avery Shaw Experiment is one of those feel-fun feel-light kind of books that MUST not be taken seriously. Its story is something we've already seen on books or TV. The kind that no matter how many times the storyline had been used or how the synopsis screams predictable right at your face, we all still feel compelled to read.
What I loved:
- Physics. As someone who's veeery interested in the subject of physics but is too lazy to read books about it, it is really really nice to see certain topics of physics mentioned in this book.
- Fun plot. Like I said above, the plot is cliche and predictable but I guess anyone who has read this book would agree to say that they had fun reading this.
What I didn't like:
- The characters. Ah, this one is really broad but I'll try to enumerate the things I didn't like about the main protagonists as well as the side characters.
Avery - So naive! Though her attachment to Aiden was understandable I can't help being annoyed at her.
Grayson - Pervert. I'm not in any way a conservative. I consider myself an open-minded person and I'm familiar with teenage boys and their raging hormones (I maybe on the minority AGAIN on this one) BUT I can't help feeling uneasy whenever Grayson says inappropriate comments to Avery. *insert cringe here*
Aiden - I don't understand this guy. He's stupid. Even though he did redeem himself towards the end.
Libby - Oh gods. Libby is the female version of Grayson. She is really perverted and has no problem letting other people (eg strangers) know that she is one. It was too painful to hear how much she wants to have her way with Owen, let alone what she wants to do TO Owen.
- Unrealistic plot. I wasn't a member of science club or did I ever join a science fair, but really, stages of grief? I JUST can't see that as a research topic on a science fair. (sorry!)
- Sort of insta-love. Grayson has known Avery since she was in her mother's belly. They practically grew up together with Grayson being Aiden's older brother. However, I thought that the moment in the bathroom and Grayson's sudden one-time erection was a pretty shallow reason for suddenly falling hard for Avery.
But all in all, The Avery Shaw Experiment is an OK book. I'd still read other books with the same storyline because despite the flaws because reading this is still a fun experience.
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