
About Me

Annerooo is a 22-year-old reader from the Philippines. She is an introvert and generally dislikes people. She is somewhat bipolar and is easily distracted too. When she was young, she dreamt of becoming a drug lord, thinking selling meth and cocaine would make her easy money. By age 20, she earned a bachelor's degree in Pharmacology, though she still can't read physician handwriting. Her other dream is to become an astrophysicist but is too lazy to pursue studying. She likes Neil Degrasse Tyson and Richard Dawkins and wishes she had their IQ. She also loves to watch anime and read manga and books. She hates love triangles and often daydreams about her favorite book couples. Also, she ONLY reads young adult and new adult books. Also, English is not her first language.

She made this book blog because she had nothing better to do and thought it was a good idea to write her thoughts about books. If you want to contact her, you can e-mail her at She also has a Twitter and a Goodreads account, if you're interested.


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